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  • Tax Estimator
  • Search for Tax Statements
  • FAQs About Taxes
  • Pay your taxes online at pocahontastax.compiled-technologies.com (You must have your ticket number and correct amount due).

    Use this calculator to estimate taxes on newly acquired property based on the Appraised value.

  • Tax Inquiry

    Visit the Sheriff’s Tax Inquiry website directly at  Search by LAST NAME then FIRST.

    Pay your taxes online at pocahontastax.compiled-technologies.com (You must have your ticket number and correct amount due).

  • Pay your taxes online at pocahontastax.compiled-technologies.com (You must have your ticket number and correct amount due).

    How are taxes calculated?

    Annual property taxes are calculated by multiplying the levy rate by the assessed value of the property.

    Appraised Value  X  60%  =  Assessed Value

    Assessed Value  X  Levy Rate = Annual Property Tax

    The assessed value is 60% of the appraised value. The Assessor appraises values of property in the county annually, but only sixty percent of this appraised value is taxed. The portion that is taxed is known as the Assessed Value and is the value that is printed on your tax statement. The appraised value is the fair market value of resale, or what you would expect to fairly buy or sale the property for on the open market. You can find the appraised value of your property as determined by the Assessor using our Property Records Search.

    Levy Rates are calculated based on the state, county, municipality and school budgeting needs annually. Rates vary based on tax district or corporation and are also separated into classes I, II, III and IV based on the use of the property. Learn more about levy rates and property classes here. If you are unsure which district you live in, you can use our property records search to find this information. It is also listed on your tax bill or receipt.

    When are Taxes Due?

    Your tax statement is mailed to you around mid July every year. The tax statement you receive is for the property you owned on July 1st of the previous year. For example, when you receive a statement in July 2016, it would be for the property you owned July 1st 2015. Your payment is divided into two parts. The first payment is due by September 30th. The second payment is due by April 30th of the following year. The tax statement you receive in July 2016 will be due in full by April 30th 2017. However, you can avoid interest charges and can even receive discounts if paid early. The earliest you can pay your taxes is July 15th. Details and dates about discounts are printed at the bottom of your tax statement.

    If you purchased new property after July 1st it would not be assessed in your name until July of the following year and the property would not appear on your tax statement until the next July following the assessment. However, you as the new property owner may still be responsible for ensuring the property taxes are paid even if they are in the previous owner’s name. If the previous owner did not pay the property tax prior to selling you the property, the consequences of any delinquent tax may fall to the new owner. Make sure arrangements are made with the seller concerning any property taxes due when purchasing new real estate property.

    Payment Discounts

    Your tax bill is divided into two payments. If you pay the first half before September 1st, you are entitled to a 2.5% discount on the first half amount due. After that you start to incur interest charges. Final payment for the first half is due September 30th before going delinquent*.

    If you pay the second half before March 1st, you are are entitled to a 2.5% discount on that portion due. If the second half is not paid before April 1st, you start incurring interest charges on the amount of the second half of taxes due. Final payment for second half is due April 30th before going delinquent*.

    *Dates and discount rates are based on the 2015 tax year and may be subject to change. The discount, interest and due dates are printed on your tax statement each year that is sent to you during the month of July.

    Tax Exemptions and Incentives

    Some property may be eligible for exemptions or tax incentives. Use the links below to learn more about these benefits and see if your property may be eligible for any of them.

    • Homestead Exemption – For residents who are 65 and older or totally and permanently disabled.
    • Farm Use Valuation – Agricultural production annually of $1000 or more ($500 if land is less than five acres).
    • Managed Timberland – Must own a minimum of 10 contiguous wooded acres to qualify.